have been waiting to post this entry. but due to the thought of 'things have changed', i delay the entry until now. stupid eh..i have so much to blog about my holiday trip, yet i don't know where to start. this is one of the rariest occasion where the whole family can go for a trip together. unfortunutely the whole family wasn't together for once..hahas.

in china i was kind of forced to go see the 'shen po'. thought i don't really believe this kind of stuffs. but to my surprise 'she' seems to got my most of my personality right. shrugs. actually not mine, but also quite true for the rest of the family. believe it or not:) i rarely got the chance to play with all my cousins, like i was young. sadly most of them are busy with studies and work. i got to learn how fortunate i am here compared to them :) i always wish time would turn back to when i was young. carefree and naive. but growing up is part of our path, whether you like it or not. lovely picture of my jiu jiu's pond. *muacks*
back in hong kong only for 2 days 1 night? so rush for time. i didn't even have the chance to enjoy the lovely food there lahs. mum and i stayed at our old neighbour's house for the 2 days. (yes we got no place to live in hong kong!!=.=) and the granddaughter is so cute and lovable. went to a high rise building..real high rise:). my first time in hk. love the view at their balcony..gosh..and the dog..ohhh man!!! feel like giving it a big hug!! xDD it makes you feel like you want to succeed in life. be wealthy and you can enjoy life!

and it was such an embrassing experience to get request for identity card. i was waiting for minibus to go shopping alone on the last night. 2 policemen came by and request for my identity card. oh gosh i didn't bring it..dots. one started searching my body while the other question me. shhiittt...i had never faced such situation before, not in my olden days in hk(still a child), not in singapore. sinagpore don't go walking arund the street in hong kong alright. they search for my wallet and oh know i know i got myself more trouble because i brought >$1000 to spend. o.O they got me questioned until i was rather speechless. and i didn't remeber the identity card number(now i do). questions like' where you live?', 'where you going?', why u got so many types of currencies?' well i know i didn't commit anything so i wasn't really scared, but surprise. too shocked to answer most of the questions. finally i was brought back to my neighbour's house, together with the 2 police. dots. thought it was a 2 minute walk, it seems half and hour. with passerby staring at you, thinking you must have done something wrong and ended so. 1 of them put his shoulder on me. may be he thought i may run away or what? i wish i can dig a whole in the ground and hide myself there. gosh..>< took them a while to check my identity and yes they even chatted with me for a while before releasing me..diaos. they advised me to remember to bring my identity card next time. i nodded=/
after not blogging for long, i don't know what should i do. hah..well. at least i am back to update today. alright..exam's finally over. went out for supper with my classmates. damn fun. yup. but what's this emptiness inside? i definitely have no idea. friends i have made this one year. and now we are all going to be in different diploma and classes. sighs..
sometime i just feel i am very very stupid. you should know what it means gary. maybe it's you thinking too much really. or may be it's true that someone can't be bothered to talk to you anymore. but why everything seems to be ok in the beginning? yes it seems to be... i wish i got the chance to know that somone better, but definitely not now anymore. accept that people come and people go in your life. it's so difficult maintain contact with someone, if you don't bother or don't out in a single effort to. and yea so fast one year is gone in my poly life. gosh...blah blah blah..
ok my thoughts are jumping here and there...probably only me understand what i am typing here. nvm. i want to so much thing before exma. but now it's exam. i am just damn bored. so lifeless. just like what happened over o level last yea. sadded i can't go to class chalet..i seems to be missing all class chalet. i don't know why i always miss the funnn...hate this.
let me rot.